Wednesday 6 June 2012

O Rose Thou Art Sick

The second in my stumpwork dead leaves, a decaying rose leaf. This project is to test the possibilities of the technique and here it was random colour.
1 .To avoid a striped effect ( where you add a new colour at either side of the cordonnet and work from left to right) I added blocks of colour ( the brown and some grey brown thread) using the detached buttonhole technique but still attached to the cordonnet  (at random points around the cordonnet I just freestyled a bit!).
2. I also tried putting in a chain stitch in ochre thread ( the chain just lay where it wanted) which I then caught in as I went with the main green thread. This can be seen on the right hand side above.
3. All the random bits of colour where joined together by the single brussels stitch as I followed the rest of the leaf shape in the green thread.
This is all worked in cotton thread with a very fine brass wire cordonnet which was shaped afterwards.


1 comment:

MeganH said...

Just beautiful! I wish I knew what you meant by "To avoid a striped effect I added blocks of colour using the detached buttonhole technique but off the cordonnet instead. I also tried putting in a chain stitch of one colour which I then caught in as I went with the main green." - having done a fair few DBS (detached buttonhole stitch) leaves myself!


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